Fleet Harmony Cloud Maintenance Management Software introduces a brand new report: the Work Order Details Report.
The Work Order Details Report enables you to drill deeper into the maintenance details without having to manually search through countless maintenance work orders (or the filing cabinets) for specifics.
Multiple optional search criteria can be selected for this new report. It can be run for a single unit, all units within a department, or the entire fleet.
In addition, enter a keyword or two (i.e. brakes) and only maintenance records that reference the entered keyword are selected for the report.
And just like the work order summary report, this new report can can be sorted by either unit ID or maintenance date.
Printing the report is simple. Select Work Order Details from the Reports Menu. Select your date range and press the RUN button.
The report generates and opens in another tab on your web browser in PDF format, so it can be easily downloaded, printed, and shared. Note that all when running all Fleet Harmony Cloud Maintenance Management Software reports, your web browser may prompt you to allow Fleet Harmony pop ups.
Try doing all this in less than 10 seconds with a maintenance spreadsheet, your shop whiteboard, maintenance log books, or other competitor software!
Think you have an idea for a new report? Interested in changing an existing report to better suit your needs? At Fleet Harmony, we love helping customers. Surprisingly, customer requests for software modifications at Fleet Harmony, including new and changed reports, require significantly less that you would expect.
Contact us toll free at 1-844-527-6669 and let us learn more about your maintenance management needs and goals. And don’t forget to like us on Facebook and look for us on YouTube.
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