Autumn presents a number of unique safety hazards.
In some parts of Canada, the first few weeks of autumn often more resemble summer. In other parts, traditional autumn weather lasts only a couple weeks. However, regardless where you live in Canada, most areas generally get at least one snowfall before the first official day of winter arrives.
With that in mind, autumn safety hazards include both the summer and winter that can change almost instantly.
Shorter days, cooler nights, and generally wet weather are the hallmark of autumn. The sun sits lower in the sky for longer and can cause glare. Snow squalls on cooler days are also common.
Overnight frost causes overpasses and bridges to freeze, especially in sections with standing water and puddles.
Leaves and debris accumulate along our roadways and conceal potholes and washed-out sections of the road. Wet leaves are slippery and when temperatures drop below freezing, they more easily freeze.
Fall is also hunting season. Animals, including deer, are often displaced during the day and can appear out of nowhere, especially at night when they are on the move.
Children in some parts of Canada also catch their school buses before dawn and again after twilight on their way home.
Be aware of autumn’s unique driving hazards. Practice safe driving year round and drive to the conditions. Stay safe.
5 basic autumn fleet management and safety tips:
Check vehicle emergency kits regularly. Include this in your equipment maintenance plan and check it every time the equipment is in the shop.
Perform autumn maintenance long before winter arrives in your area. Review the equipment maintenance log for every piece of equipment in your fleet and prepare it for winter running.
Include an autumn fleet maintenance checklist in your preventative maintenance program. Fleet maintenance software can help simplify this task.
Install winter tires long before snow flies. If you are installing studded tires, check your local department of transportation for the dates they are allowed to be on your vehicle.
Review autumn safe driving at your next safety meeting.
These fleet management tips provided to you by Fleet Harmony Cloud Fleet Management Software, Canada’s premier online fleet maintenance software system.