To complete any repair or maintenance, parts are almost always required.
To save on costs, companies often shop around for the best price. Additionally, supply and demand sometimes dictates what supplier you buy a particular part from.
Therefore, on a single maintenance work order, it is possible to have parts that come from multiple suppliers.
With Fleet Harmony Cloud Fleet Management software, every part line on a maintenance work order can have a unique supplier and PO number.
Fleet Harmony Cloud Fleet Management software allows you to centralize all parts, POs, and suppliers to a single maintenance work order, making it fast and easy to report and audit.
As part of this feature enhancement, we modified the quick search dropdown on the Work Order List page. Now, “Search by PO” searches:
The PO field on the work order header
The notes section of the work order
The PO field on the work order part lines.
Why does it search all 3?
Parts can be sometimes be purchased for multiple repairs for multiple fleet units on the same PO. Therefore, searching all 3 provides a more comprehensive method of searching. Plus, by searching the notes field, and referencing work orders also using the same PO can be grouped together on the same list.
By default, this feature is disabled, but is available free of charge. Simply contact us to have this feature activated for your subscription.
Often, part numbers, especially for filters, are unique between suppliers. Fleet Cloud Fleet Management Software enables you to save these part numbers as additional information on the Equipment Page to make quick part substitutions when required.
Parts management can save thousands of dollars each year and help you stay competitive. However, parts management is not parts inventory management. Parts inventory management is only one aspect of a sound parts management strategy.
Fleet Harmony Cloud Fleet Management Software simplifies parts management, and parts inventory management, with useful and easy to use features and reports to simplify the task of fleet maintenance and management.
We are a SAGE Simply Accounting development partner and therefore both Fleet Harmony Cloud Fleet Management and Feet Harmony for Windows is SAGE Simply Accounting compatible.
Fleet Harmony's Online Fleet Management Software includes fleet maintenance software, Fuel and IFTA software, and Accident Management Software; all for an affordable monthly subscription that includes licensing, usage, and unlimited help and support. Fleet Harmony also has software solutions for shipment tracking and billing.
Our software design services team can also develop custom software applications for the Internet, Windows, and AS400 consulting, and will modify existing software programs to enable you to streamline your business for peak efficiency.
Why not give us a call toll free (844-527-6669) and learn how we can help with your fleet maintenance and management challenges.